What is JavaScript (JS) and Real Time Use

What is JavaScript (JS) and Real Time Use

JavaScript (JS) is a programming language that is primarily used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It is a client-side scripting language, which means that the code is executed by the user's web browser, rather than on a server.

JavaScript can be used to create a wide range of features and functionality on a website, such as

  • Creating interactive forms and buttons

    Button Design — UI component series | UX Collective

  • Validating user input

    Fast User-friendly Form Validation Plugin - Validator.js | CSS Script

  • Creating animations and transitions

    CSS Transitions & JavaScript for Animated Entry Effects

  • Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to change the structure and content of a web page

    3. JavaScript Tutorial | What is Dom? | Document Object Model - Vikas Web  Classes

  • Creating dynamic, interactive maps, charts, and other visualizations

    The Best Open-Source Data Visualization Tools You Should Use

  • Creating web applications and single-page applications (SPAs)

    Single Page Application Advantages or Why Go for a SPA

JavaScript can also be used in other environments outside the browser, such as

  • In the server side with Node.js

    Node.JS Web & Mobile App Development Services – Kindlebit

  • In the desktop app with electron

    How to Build Your First Desktop App with JavaScript Using Electron

  • In the mobile app with React-native

    GitHub - Aashu-Dubey/React-Native-UI-Templates: UI kits built in React- Native & TypeScript.

  • In the Internet of things (IoT)

    JavaScript: The Perfect Language for the Internet of Things (IoT) |  Jscrambler Blog

  • In the smart tv app

    Guide for Javascript Engineers | Promwad News

  • In the game development

    How to Code a 2D Game Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

As you can see, JavaScript has a wide range of applications and it is an essential tool for web development. JavaScript is also widely used in other areas such as web scraping, automation, and more.

Overall, JavaScript is a versatile and powerful language that is widely used to create interactive and dynamic web pages and applications, and it's being used in many areas and environments.