JavaScript concept(Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)
Beginner concepts in JavaScript include:
Basic data types (such as numbers, strings, and booleans)
Control flow statements (such as if/else, for and while loops)
Basic functions and event handling
DOM manipulation
Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Regular Expressions
Intermediate concepts in JavaScript include:
Advanced control flow statements (such as switch, try-catch)
Closures and scope
Prototype-based inheritance
Function expressions and arrow functions
Array methods and manipulating data
Asynchronous programming (using callbacks, Promises and async/await)
Understanding of how JavaScript runs in the browser and its event loop
Understanding of how to use web storage and cookies
Understanding of how to use web workers
Understanding of how to use web sockets
Advanced concepts in JavaScript include:
Advanced functional programming (such as currying and composition)
Understanding of how JavaScript runs on the server-side (using Node.js)
Understanding of how to use Web Assembly
Understanding of how to use WebGL for rendering
Advanced concepts of Object Oriented Programming (such as classes, interfaces and decorators)
Understanding of how to use JavaScript libraries and frameworks (such as React, Angular and Vue.js)
Understanding of how to use web APIs (such as making HTTP requests to a server)
Understanding of how to use webpack and other build tools
Understanding of how to use Web Components
Understanding of how to use Service Workers for offline support.
Note : More concept will add in future